Assistant of Human Resources Manager

Job description is an official list of an employee's responsibilities. It includes brief description of a position, task to be performed, qualifications and requiremen...

Auditor Job Description

Job description is an official list of an employee's responsibilities. It includes brief description of a position, task to be performed, qualifications and requiremen...

Authorisation to Release Employment Inform...

This document is used by the employee to authorise and request to send specific employment information, which is described in this letter to the third party. Commonl...

Broker of Real Estate Job Description

Job description is an official list of an employee's responsibilities. It includes brief description of a position, task to be performed, qualifications and requiremen...

Business Expense Reimbursement Policy

Policies are the types of employment-related documents that set out course of action for performing particular jobs within the company or provide guidelines and determ...

Business Transfer Notification

A Letter used to notify the Trade Union or Employee Representative that there will be a business transfer. Commonly used in country/region: UK