Promissory Note Loan Repayable in Lump Sum...

This document is used between the borrower(s) and the lender whereby the borrower agrees to repay the entire amount by due date without interest. With Certificate of A...

Promissory Note Loan Repayable in Lump Sum...

This document is used between the borrower(s) and lender whereby the borrower promises to repay the entire amount borrowed with interest by a certain date. Commonly us...

Promissory Note for Repayment by Instalments

A document used to notify the Guarantor that the Borrower will make repayment by instalments. Commonly used in country/region: EU, Internationally

Promissory Note to Pay on Demand

A document used by a borrower promising to pay on demand. Commonly used in country/region: EU, Internationally

Promissory Note with Installment

This document is a legal instrument , in which one party promises in writing to pay a determinate sum of money to the other, at a fixed or determinable future time, u...

Put Option Agreement

This Agreement is made between two Quorums, two Investors and a Company. The Investors and the Company agree that both investors shall have a right to put all company ...